Sidre Website Site Introduction Header
Sidre Website Site Introduction Header

Why Sidre

Many justice-involved individuals face challenges reintegrating into society. America claims the goal of rehabilitation, paying a debt to society, and everyone deserves a second chance. The reality is far different; the criminal justice system is about punishment and retribution. Most people, when asked, say second chances are great and deserved if a person has paid their debt to society. That is until they’re asked to be the person to give that second chance.

Sidre's Plan is still in development, most links are not attached or connected at this time. Please check back often for more details as to Sidre's launch!
Thank you so much for visiting our site, we can't wait to get started.

Objective 1: Provide low or no-cost online business and entrepreneurship education. Provide mentorship opportunties.

Objective 2: Offer employment services to those not inclined to start their own business.

Objective 3: Create a safe-space online community for support and networking.

Objective 4: Support criminal justice reform initiatives.

Long-Term Objective: Add housing services to the support offerings.


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What's with the Name?

Sidre, Cidre, or Cider: However you spell it or whatever continent you’re on Sidre is about creating value where none exists. Historically orchard harvesters selected only the best fruit for market. The bruised, broken, and otherwise damaged fruit was culled away. Orchard owners discovered a profitable use for the bruised, broken, or otherwise damaged fruit giving this culled out fruit a chance to be used to create something new, useful and valuable: they created Sidre. In the same fashion, Sidre and the Sidre Institute, seeks to help the bruised, broken, or otherwise damaged of our society find new hope, a purpose for life, and realization they are a truly valuable creation!