Your contribution will help empower Men and Women who are trying to build a better, stronger life. One that they can be proud of because they earned it.
Justice-Involved men and women face tremendous obstacles as they work in reenter society after being impacted by the justice system. While these individuals are generally required by the legal system to be employed, pay for legal services, and have a permanent residence as terms of freedom. Obtaining these requirements is virtually impossible for most as they face discrimination for both employment and housing. Sidre’s purpose is to serve the Justice-Involved as they work to reenter society, providing hope and encouragement. This is accomplished by providing Business Education, Entrepreneurial Training and Mentorship, Employment Services, and in providing a safe-space Digital Community.
Sidre’s vision is to provide these services at minimal or no cost and to do this we are asking for your assistance. Our goal is to provide every justice involved person that want it, from the very beginning, with a foundational business startup education at no charge. We’ve set a goal to raise the money needed to fund the first 100 participants education. As we launch, Sidre's educational program technology expense is just under $35.00 per student at $33.78. Our goal to raise $3,500.00 through The Quick Start 100 campaign.
What's with the Name?
Sidre, Cidre, or Cider: However you spell it or whatever continent you’re on Sidre is about creating value where none exists. Historically orchard harvesters selected only the best fruit for market. The bruised, broken, and otherwise damaged fruit was culled away. Orchard owners discovered a profitable use for the bruised, broken, or otherwise damaged fruit giving this culled out fruit a chance to be used to create something new, useful and valuable: they created Sidre. In the same fashion, Sidre and the Sidre Institute, seeks to help the bruised, broken, or otherwise damaged of our society find new hope, a purpose for life, and realization they are a truly valuable creation!